On January 20, 2025, RUTS led by Prof. Dr. Suwat Tanyaros, the President of the university included the Vice President, Assistant to the President, Deans from various faculties, and other key representatives from the university had the honor of welcoming a distinguished delegation from Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). Led by Prof. Dato’ Ts. Dr. Zaliman Sauli, the Vice Chancellor of UniMAP, accompanied by Prof. Ir. Dr. Modh Shukry Abdul Majid, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Umi Fazara Md. Ali, Director of the Centre for International Engagement, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phak Len Ehkan, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and Mdm. Elley Nadia Eliazir from the Office of the Chancellor. The purpose of the visit was to further strengthen and develop the growing collaboration between the two institutions. The discussions during the visit outlined potential pathways for future cooperation, including academic staff’s development for doing Ph.D/Master degree, joint research projects and publication/research grants, visiting professor exchanges, student and faculty exchanges, student mobility such as Engineering Camp and Smart Farm Camp 2025, and other areas of mutual interest.
International Affairs_RUTS