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มีทักษะการสื่อสาร เชี่ยวชาญปฏิบัติ  สร้างนักปฏิบัติมืออาชีพ



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Second day for Capacity Building & Capability Development Program of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Nanyang Polytechnic International (NYPi), Singapore

20 th June, 2023, for the morning session, Dr Veronica Lim continue to cover up on the topic of Machine Learning on • Unsupervised Learning • K-means Clustering• Hierarchical Clustering • Overview of Deep Learning• What is Artificial Neutral Network (ANN)• How Artificial Neutral Network learn• Advantages and disadvantages of ANN and also touch on the topic of Deep Learning Introduction which was focusing on• Introduction to Computer Vision• Different Computer Vision Tasks • Computer Vision with Deep Learning • Convolutional Neural Networks. Before Dr Veronica Lim ended the morning session, participants shave chances to take part in the Hands-on Lab such as K-means clustering and Deep Learning. Mr. Wee Chee Hong then take part in the afternoon session for the conclusion of Deep Learning and Deep Learning for Image Classification.